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Please submit your sponsorship at least 24 hours ahead of the shiur/program so it can be processed on time & announced.

Members of BRS: Please log in (on the top right corner) to connect this sponsorship to your BRS account.

Sponsor a Class or Program
   Parsha Perspectives (Tuesday) - $180
   Living With Emunah (Wednesday) - $180
   Ten Minutes of Meaning (Wednesday) - $54
   Turn Friday into Erev Shabbos - $54
   Afternoon Kollel (Monday & Wednesday) - $200 per week
   Women's Midrasha (Monday) - $200 per week
   Weekly Shiur with Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner - $200
   Daf Yomi for the Week with Rabbi Sugerman - $300 per week
   Excerpts from Last Parsha Perspectives in Weekly - $180 per week
   Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Shiur for the Week- $200 per week
   Behind the Bima (Wednesday) - $360 per episode
   Rabbi Goldberg's Weekly Email ($360)
   Avos U'Banim - $360
   Avos U'Banim - Co-Sponsorship-$180
   Avos U'Banim Shabbos Afternoon (Summer)- $50
   V'Shinantam - $180
   Mother - Daughter Learning - $100
   The Weekly - $500
   Erev Shabbos Kollel- $100
   Semichas Chaver Program- $125
   Semichas Chaver Program Deluxe - $250
   Kollel Boker Daily- $36
   Kollel Boker Weekly- $180
Thu, December 5 2024 4 Kislev 5785